Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Zombieland- Get Into It

It has been almost a week now since I started on Topamax to control my problem with Migraines. As promised, I have not had even an indication of a headache since I started on it. However, the side effects have been difficult to adjust to.

Friday, I had sent out an inter-office message. A few minutes later, I hear my boss call down the hall, "Leah; who the hell is Mary?!" I had written the email to a few people in my office, and had addressed it to a Mary instead of Martin. Silly mistake and I made a joke out of it, but I hadn't even remembered what I wrote the email about. (I have not told any of my co-workers, save for one, about my car accident or medical problems) My past week has been kind of like that. Sometimes I find myself talking about a topic only to stop mid-sentence and completely forget what I was discussing. I feel like I have my head in the clouds half of the day.

If you have seen the movie Zombieland, you will recall that the main character develops these rules for surviving Zombieland. Well, I have applied the same principal to my life and started to develop rules to surviving life on Topamax; my own personal Zombieland. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious! I'm also on topamax and have the same issues. I work in a doctor's office and I'll be going over a patient's medicine list during intake and I'll literally be staring at the med saying, "So you take.....uh.... um... aspirin.... twice a day?" It's there in my head to say it but it won't come out. I've been on it for several months now and you get used to it in time.
