Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Head- Get Into It

"A blog, much like a hammer, can be used for many things..."

Time for a little game I like to play called "a very brief history on an event in my life."

In November of 2009, I was involved in a pretty serious car accident. Since said accident, I have been dealing with frequent and very painful migraines. For those of you that have had a migraine, you know how disgusting my life has been for the past couple of months.

About a week ago, I saw a neurologist to help me with this because a picture taken of my brain showed a cute little patch of "white matter" on my brain. Yeah. Imagine sitting there in a doctors office and having someone say very matter-of-fact-like, "you have an abnormality ON YOUR BRAIN and we don't know what it is. Would you like a Shamrock Shake with that?" Ok, so maybe I would have felt better had the second half of that statement actually occurred, but it didn't. Let me tell you, life suddenly takes on a whole new perspective. Anyways, this lovely doctor handed me a perscription for a very expensive drug called Topamax.

What the french toast?! Topamax is an anti-seizure drug used to control migraines. I read about all of the side effects, and they got kind of scary. Disorientation, dizziness, depersonalization... the last thing I really need is to lose that makes me, well, me. I've really come to like the immature, odd girl that is Leah "onDemand" Busse.

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