Monday, April 26, 2010

Rule #2- SBC (Sober by Choice)

Every spring, there is one event I anticipate more than free ice cream day at Ben & Jerrys(blasphemy); Brewer's Opening Day at Miller Park.

"But Leah, you don't even like baseball!" Correct. But I love that Milwaukee celebrates a mediocre baseball team because they are a great excuse to make jello shots and practice multiple forms of douche-baggery. Just because you don't believe in the Easter Bunny doesn't mean you stop giving stuff up for no-good reason for a month, right? I digress.

Much to my dismay, my good times with Strongbow were cut-short when my least favorite un-invited guest showed up; a migraine. The game had barely started, but I was already at my home in the basement, crying in pain with a bag of ice strapped to my head. Land of the free my butt. I hope Ryan Braun still got that box of kittens I had scheduled to be delivered to him during the seventh inning.

So, continuing with my efforts to control these monsters in my brain, I bring you Rule #2: SBC (Sober By Choice). For about a month now, I have not consumed any alcohol, and I gotta say, I really don't miss it. Somehow, it feels REALLY AWESOME to wake up refreshed in the morning, and to be sober enough to be the one laughing at the guy in the Affliction shirt air-humping the bejeezus out of his second cousin at the bar.

"Hey babe, want to feel my tricep?"
"No, but want to feel my left testicle? Hey, where are you going...?"

Sigh. It's a wonder I am still single.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rule #1- You are What You Eat

roasted red pepper and hummus wrap, mixed nuts and mangosteen (yeah, you know you want to say it out loud... MAN-go-stEEEEEEEEEEEn) juice... mmmm....

Whoa boy, my fingers and toes are seriously tingling as I write this. I haven't decided if this is really cool, or entirely terrifying. Ever had that feeling when you are drinking that you know you're getting drunk, and possibly going to start touching old men in ways only their doctors touch them, because you can feel it in your feet? That is exactly what I experience on a daily basis from this stuff.

As one of my lifestyle changes I have implemented to counter-act the weird effects Topamax has taken on my body, I am trying to return to a Vegan diet.

A few years back, I changed over to a Vegan diet and the positive effects on my health were immediately noticeable. I had more energy, and most notable was that it was the first winter I did not get the flu. Unfortunately, I went through some rough changes in my life and as a result, I backslid into my carnivorous ways. (I blame you, Jimmy Johns Beach Club)

My resolution this year was to start eating vegetarian, which I have only strayed from once (insatiable craving for a gyro... some of you will understand.). I feel as if the transition back into Vegan-ism and mostly organic eating will be fairly easy, and very beneficial for my over-all well being. The only down-side is that healthier eating often comes with a higher price tag. Ah, if only I could find time in the day for a fifth job.... "but Leah, I thought hookers mostly worked at NIGHT!" Ha. Funny.

In completely un-related news, one of my new favorite bands is coming to town tonight: Neon Trees! Most nights I find it hard to do much of anything, and I find my way into bed around 11. I hope that tonight I find the energy to stay and watch the whole show. I mean, if everything works out according to plan, I'm going to have to muster up enough strength to haul Jared Leto's unconscious body to my car, then dress it up in a Popple costume and duct-tape it to my room mate's dresser. Man, I'm getting tired just thinking about it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Zombieland- Get Into It

It has been almost a week now since I started on Topamax to control my problem with Migraines. As promised, I have not had even an indication of a headache since I started on it. However, the side effects have been difficult to adjust to.

Friday, I had sent out an inter-office message. A few minutes later, I hear my boss call down the hall, "Leah; who the hell is Mary?!" I had written the email to a few people in my office, and had addressed it to a Mary instead of Martin. Silly mistake and I made a joke out of it, but I hadn't even remembered what I wrote the email about. (I have not told any of my co-workers, save for one, about my car accident or medical problems) My past week has been kind of like that. Sometimes I find myself talking about a topic only to stop mid-sentence and completely forget what I was discussing. I feel like I have my head in the clouds half of the day.

If you have seen the movie Zombieland, you will recall that the main character develops these rules for surviving Zombieland. Well, I have applied the same principal to my life and started to develop rules to surviving life on Topamax; my own personal Zombieland. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Head- Get Into It

"A blog, much like a hammer, can be used for many things..."

Time for a little game I like to play called "a very brief history on an event in my life."

In November of 2009, I was involved in a pretty serious car accident. Since said accident, I have been dealing with frequent and very painful migraines. For those of you that have had a migraine, you know how disgusting my life has been for the past couple of months.

About a week ago, I saw a neurologist to help me with this because a picture taken of my brain showed a cute little patch of "white matter" on my brain. Yeah. Imagine sitting there in a doctors office and having someone say very matter-of-fact-like, "you have an abnormality ON YOUR BRAIN and we don't know what it is. Would you like a Shamrock Shake with that?" Ok, so maybe I would have felt better had the second half of that statement actually occurred, but it didn't. Let me tell you, life suddenly takes on a whole new perspective. Anyways, this lovely doctor handed me a perscription for a very expensive drug called Topamax.

What the french toast?! Topamax is an anti-seizure drug used to control migraines. I read about all of the side effects, and they got kind of scary. Disorientation, dizziness, depersonalization... the last thing I really need is to lose that makes me, well, me. I've really come to like the immature, odd girl that is Leah "onDemand" Busse.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blogging- Get(ting) Into It

There have been several instances in my life where I have attempted to keep a blog. I get all gung-ho over it for a few weeks, then let it fall by the wayside as I let other social media outlets distract me.

I think that this time I will actually stick with it.

Now, what to blog about?

My interests? Sounds engaging enough.

Stay posted for blog entries relating to Velociraptors, Health (or lack thereof), Music, Milwaukee, FOODIES and my perspective.

As well as anything else my little heart desires.

With that said, I guess its time to don my blazer and get serious!