Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rule #3- Mnemonic Devices

Practicing Rule #2 while getting the tattoo on my foot finished, which is notable because there has not been a time in the past three years where I have not shown up to a tattoo appointment with a box of franzia. Hey, not sure if you know this, but someone grinding on your skin with an array of sharp objects feels slightly uncomfortable. Somehow I managed to survive, and I think I deserve a high-five, gold star and a funfetti cupcake.

(Allow me a moment to get emo)
I absolutely feel like I am losing myself. Actually, to be completely honest, I don't feel anything. Where before I felt depressed, lonely and cynical, I now just... exist. My friends all depend on me to be the leader; the strong, independent, deviant, funny girl. Who am I now? I sat down with a yellow pad of paper and a pencil and tried to make a list of things that made Leah unique from everyone else, and my mind struggled to piece together anything.

I wanted to cry, but there was no will to do so. I'm just like an empty shell going through the motions of life with no feeling behind it.

Seriously, if this is YOUR fault, Topomax, shame on you; I hate being like this.

If there is one thing that I can remember, it is that, "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue."

Maybe somehow I can create a Mnemonic way of remembering all of my personality traits so that this chemical does not completely destroy everything that I am?

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